Efficacy of phenytoin phonophoresis on pressure ulcer healing
Pressure ulcer, phenytoin, phonophoresisAbstract
Background: Pressure ulcers refer to damage done to the skin and its surrounding tissues by sustained pressure in one or more areas. As a result, the skin's tissues and cells can become damaged, and in extreme cases, die, from a lack of blood supply. Aim of study: The objective of the study was to assess the therapeutic effects of phenytoin phonophoresis on the healing process of pressure ulcers.
Design: A single blind randomized controlled trial. Setting: Inpatient setting. Participants: Thirty-two female and male patients suffering from pressure ulcer, they were between the ages of 40 and 60 and were enrolled from the hospitals of El Kasr El Ainy in Giza, Egypt. Participants were screened for inclusion in the study and then randomly split into two groups (A and B), each including the same number of participants. Group (A) received phenytoin phonophoresis “pulsed mode”, while group B received sham phenytoin phonophoresis. Patients in both groups received the same routine conventional therapy (repositioning and support surface), medical treatment (wound care and using antibiotics), and topical phenytoin applied into selected area once a day. Intervention :Treatment lasted for a total of six weeks, with three sessions a week. Outcome measures: Before and after six weeks of treatment, the wound volume of the pressure ulcer was measured. Results:The volume of pressure ulcers changed by 64.1% in the phenytoin phonophoresis group after 6 weeks of treatment, compared to 36.2% in the sham phenytoin phonophoresis group.Comparing the volume of pressure ulcers in the phenytoin phonophoresis group to the volume in the control group showed a statistically substantial difference (p = 0.01). Conclusion:It is possible to conclude that phenytoin phonophoresis is more efficient for pressure ulcer healing than topical phenytoin alone.
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