Corporate Social Responsibility Effects on English STIAMI Club Depok, West Java, Indonesia
CSR, English Club, PromotionAbstract
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs will help pupils recall more about promotional activities in high school. An international language, Indonesian has mastered many aspects of life, from science and technology to education to politics and economics to social and cultural aspects of existence. It is not only possible to study for the national English exam through the use of English STIAMI Club, but it is also possible to practice the various aspects of the language through other means. The purpose is to learn how to deal with the issue of low English skills. This study used a literature review, which entails searching the internet for relevant data sources, such as e-journals and ebooks. It has been found that, in order to master and become good at English, the learning process must focus on the practical side, namely trial and error so that students actively participate in conveying ideas/opinions in real world contexts. As a result of the CSR program's success, the nation has been educated and campuses have been promoted to attract new students. Also, there is a positive influence on CSR in other fields and in other countries as well.
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