Study and application of fracture and reform tech for low pressure and heavy dense natural gas reservoir


  • Jun L Exploitation Department, Tuha Oilfield Branch Co., Ltd.


Fracture, Hongtai natural gas reservoir


To the features of "four low" (low abundance, low porous pressure, low porosity and low permeability) and "two high" (high water-sensitive damage, high heterogeneity) of Hongtai natural gas reservoir, and actuality of producing sand at postfrac, low production and short constant flow rate period, through technical innovation and progress of fracture technique, a set of technique system has been come into true and the result in field application is obvious. The integrated tech of fracture and putting in to production among them, preventing back flow against proppant is prominent at domestic to supply a powerful technical guarantee for forming a stable production volume of natural gas at 50 million m3 per day which provides a successful experience for exploiting similar gas field.


Nolte K.G., Determination of Fracture Parameters From Fracturing Pressure Decline, (1979); Soliman M.Y., Technique for Considering Fluid Compressibility and Temperature Changes in Mini-Frac Analysis. SPE 15370, (1986); Zhu D., The Effect of Temperature on Minifrac Pressure Decline, (1991); Ding Zhu A., Comprehensive Model of Minifrac Pressure Behavior With Foam Fracturing Fluids, (1993)



How to Cite

Jun, L. (2022). Study and application of fracture and reform tech for low pressure and heavy dense natural gas reservoir. Well Testing Journal, 31(1), 6–10. Retrieved from



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