Migration Intent Through Digital Imaginaries


  • Nadia Fadhila Master's Candidate, Wellington School of Business and Government, Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn Parade, Kelburn, Wellington


Migration aspirations, social media, digital pathways, digital migration, algorithmic influence


Departing from traditional push-pull models, this study investigates the ways in which social media shapes migration aspirations during the pre-migration phase. Through a theoretically informed literature review, we identify key mechanisms, including curated success narratives, digital community reinforcement, and algorithmic amplification that contribute to the construction of migration imaginaries. We posit that social media platforms actively construct and distort these imaginaries, impacting migration decision-making. To conceptualize this complex interplay, we introduce the Digital Migration Aspiration Model (DMAM), which delineates the relationship between content production, digital networks, and algorithmic processes. This paper advances scholarly understanding of digital media’s role in migration perceptions and underscores the necessity for empirical investigations into the real-world implications of algorithmically generated migration desirability.



How to Cite

Nadia Fadhila. (2025). Migration Intent Through Digital Imaginaries. Well Testing Journal, 34(S1), 93–123. Retrieved from https://welltestingjournal.com/index.php/WT/article/view/153



Research Articles