The Future of Smart Healthcare: How AI and HAR Are Reshaping Hospital Workflows


  • Ashwin Sankaran


Artificial Intelligence, Human-Augmented Robotics, Smart Hospitals, Predictive Healthcare, AI in Medicine, Robotic Surgery, Hospital Automation


AI and HAR undergo fast development to transform medical facilities through better operational efficiency, precise care delivery methods, and patient treatment outcomes. The health sector achieves optimized medical care through three key AI technologies, including predictive analytics rob, robotic surgery, and automated warehouse management, relieving physicians of some of their responsibilities. Wealthy hospitals can use these technologies to analyze data instantly and generate customized care plans while running operations more efficiently, thus improving patient quality and operational productivity. The extensive implementation of these technologies brings forward new security issues, ethical problems, and algorithm faults, which demand employees to learn new work methods. This research analyzes present and projected AI and HAR effects on healthcare by exploring main advancements and difficulties and developing patterns. Hospitals that implement AI solutions responsibly while solving existing concerns will manage to build an efficient healthcare system that provides better access to patients and patient-oriented care.



How to Cite

Ashwin Sankaran. (2025). The Future of Smart Healthcare: How AI and HAR Are Reshaping Hospital Workflows. Well Testing Journal, 34(S1), 68–92. Retrieved from



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